MTN DEW ZERO. As good as the original, maybe even better?
MTN Dew is famous for its original taste. But new MTN Dew Zero, the new sugar free version of the beloved classic, tastes just as good as the original. Maybe even better. To launch new MTN Dew Zero, we used another cult classic “The Shining” and re-made it. As good as the original. Maybe even better.
We tapped into a cultural conversation. Remakes. We took an original beloved by our audience, The Shining, and remade it maybe even better? We painstakingly recreated the most iconic scene down to the last detail. Every shot and prop were based on the original movie. We were committed to making it as good as the original, upholding the integrity of the film, but also the product itself.
We launched the campaign with an online teaser in social and digital two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. We pre-released the :30 spot a week prior to the big game all leading up to the Super Bowl airing between the first and second quarter. The day after the Super Bowl we released an extended :60 cut online and two :15 spots that will continue to run for six months after.
On the day of the Super Bowl, we took Danny’s invisible friend, and turned him into a commentator on Instagram. We recreated the set in a miniature, giving Tony his own finger-sized stage. He had a lot of shit to talk and calls to complain about.